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Learning to think idiomatically

This wasn’t intended for public consumption — it was just a conversation on Slack between Sean, who’s an experienced programmer learning ClojureScript for the first time, and myself, an experienced programmer with a few months of Clojure experience (and no real ClojureScript, not that it’s very different, but I haven’t really gotten a ClojureScript environment up and running yet). Sean was trying to figure out how to transform an array of HTML form field inputs (which are somewhat like maps, and look approximately like {:name :firstname, :value “bob”}) into an ordinary ClojureScript map that looks like {:firstname “bob”}. He and I were both looking at it off and on over the course of the day.

Since so much of our thought process is captured in the chat, it seemed like might be helpful as a demonstration of how people with limited ClojureScript experience can work their way toward increasingly idiomatic code.

It’s been lightly edited, mostly to drop out some unrelated side chatter, and occasionally for clarity.

i rewrote a little plain js script in clojurescript last night.
was fun.
i ended up just writing a few little helper functions

(defn attr [el key]
  (.getAttribute el key))

(defn by-id [id]
  (.getElementById js/document (name id)))

(defn console-log [message]
  (.log js/console message))

(defn data [el key]
  (.getAttribute el (str "data-" key)))

(defn domready [handler]
  (.addEventListener js/window "DOMContentLoaded" handler))

(defn target [event] (.-target event))

but i imagine there’s a better way

GitHub: formal.cljs – first experiment with clojurescript

feel free to critique my clojurescipt
or just outright ridicule will also be understood
i’m especially curious how i could refactor this:

; given array of inputs, return map with name/value pairs
(defn input-data [inputs]
  (let [names (map input-name inputs)
        values (map input-value inputs)]
    (zipmap names values)))

not very familiar with clojure collection functions yet

What does ‘inputs’ look like when it comes into input-data? Can you provide a minimal example? (At work, don’t have time to try to get a cljs setup running here, but I’m curious to think a bit about how I’d write that function)

@eggsyntax: thanks! inputs is an array of input dom elements, (i.e., <input name=“x_firstname” value=“egg">) then input-name and input-value are functions that take an input and return name and value, respectively.


(defn attr [el key]
  (.getAttribute el key))

(defn input-name [input]
  (attr input "name”))

[Several dumb comments in which I’m essentially begging the question 😉 ]

i have a collection of inputs
that have names and values
and want to just get a simple map out of that

{:x-firstname “egg”}

anyway @eggsyntax i suspect there is a way to build that map in one swoop
instead of what i’m doing which is iterating twice

That’s my thought too. I’d throw away the intermediate functions, for one. Seems like they’re just making things more roundabout.

@eggsyntax: just seemed like it was getting a bit verbose with the map over an anonymous function to get those names, values but yeah it adds a layer of indirection

(let [names (map #(.getAttribute % “name") inputs)])

something like that

See, now that looks really clear to me 🙂

maybe got carried away with the “tiny composable functions that do one thing” thing


; given array of inputs, return map with name/value pairs
(defn input-data [inputs]
  (let [names (map input-name inputs)
        values (map input-value inputs)]
    (zipmap names values)))

that would be more verbose way to write out that input-name function there

values would be a little different

Yeah, the one-liner seems way more clear and idiomatic to me.


you prefer this:


; given array of inputs, return map with name/value pairs
(defn input-data [inputs]
  (let [names (map #(.getAttribute % "name") inputs)
        values (map #(.-value %) inputs)]
    (zipmap names values)))

There’s still a cleaner way to do it, though, I feel so sure. I don’t know what it is yet, though 😉

is there something like ruby’s Hash[kv-array]?

where you can pass an array of key value arrays to create a map

eg [[k1,v1],[k2,v2]] = {k1=> v1, k2=>v2}

i hope so


i’m looking at into now
oh nice
this might be it andrew
as long as i return two items at a time
it looks like
i’ll map over inputs and return pairs of name/value

you could also do a loop recur with assoc I think
more like an inject pattern in ruby
actually that would be more like reduce in that case
yeah that would be another route, reduec over inputs starting with an empty map
in the reduce body call assoc to create a new map with the key-value for the current input
return the new map so it used in the next reduce statement

(.toArray js/_ htmlCollection)
Or something to that effect.

I’m definitely seeing it as a reduce too.

Groping for it though. I still write Clojure waaaay slower than other languages, and I’m not sure it’ll ever be much faster — it’s just when it’s done, it’s a 2-line perfect diamond that’s trivial to understand later, instead of a 25-line piece of cruft.

What about something like this?

(let [inputs [{:name :first-name :value "bob"} {:name :last-name :value "jones"}]]
   (apply hash-map 
          (for [input inputs 
                getter [:name :value]]
            (getter input))))

Obv that’s not exactly right – since I don’t have access to cljs at the moment, I’m just faking the values with the keywords.
But just something of that general sort…

yeah that looks great

There’s still some annoying incidental complexity, though, since we’re making it a list first and then a map. Gaaah, I gotta get some work done. May post another try later when it’ll probably be too late to be helpful 😉
I’m still so new at this too. I think the only good habit I’ve really internalized yet is just to have zero tolerance left for any bit of code that isn’t an essential expression of the solution.

sounds like a solid habit
thanks for your help!

(defn input-data [inputs]
  (apply conj
    (for [input inputs]
      {(dom/input-name input) (dom/input-value input)})))

this worked
not quite ready to cuddle with it yet tho

OK, not feeling cuddly yet, but this at least feels like the cleanest and most idiomatically functional thing I’ve been able to come up with so far (feedback appreciated):

(def test-inputs [{:name :first-name :value "bob"} {:name :last-name :value "jones"}])

(defn field-to-map [ob]
  (let [getters [#(:name %)
                 #(:value %)]]
    (apply hash-map
           (map #(% ob) getters))))

(defn form-to-map [form]
  (let [to-map (fn [results cur] (into results cur))]
    (reduce to-map {} (map field-to-map form))))

(form-to-map test-inputs)

Again, I’m using ordinary maps as test input, so I’m using simplified getter functions.
But they could be swapped out for yours and still feel pretty clean, I think.
Actually don’t need the empty map in the reduce step, come to think of it.

OK, this may be as cuddly as I can get:

(defn field-to-map [ob]
  (let [getters [#(:name %)
                 #(:value %)]]
    (map #(% ob) getters)))

(defn form-to-map [form]
  (apply hash-map
         (flatten (map field-to-map form))))

(form-to-map test-inputs)

And this version is cuddly but sleazy. It works for the test input, but a) I don’t know whether it’ll work on your form object, and b) it relies on the internal ordering of the fields, so I would have zero faith in it without doing more research and testing. Nice and short, though 😉

(def test-inputs [{:name :first-name :value "bob"} {:name :last-name :value "jones"}])

(defn form-to-map [form]
  (apply hash-map
         (flatten (map vals form))))

(form-to-map test-inputs)

Aha! mapcat pays off for the first time:

(def test-inputs [{:name :first-name :value "bob"} {:name :last-name :value "jones"}])

(defn field-to-map [ob]
  (let [getters [#(:name %)
                 #(:value %)]]
    (map #(% ob) getters)))

(defn form-to-map [form]
  (apply hash-map
         (mapcat field-to-map form)))

(form-to-map test-inputs)

@eggsyntax: great stuff man
re: this version:

(defn input-data [inputs]
  (apply conj
    (for [input inputs]
      {(dom/input-name input) (dom/input-value input)})))

is the non-cuddliness from the use of for?
i do like how succinct it is

No, that’s pretty sweet, I totally missed that earlier. Maybe

(apply hash-map (mapcat))

feels more intuitive to me than

(apply conj (for))

but I like yours too.
and of course it doesn’t need the extra field-to-map function, which makes it pretty awesome. Be interesting to see whether there’s a good combination of the two.

yeah me too :neckbeard:

This one’s inspired by yours:

(defn form-to-map [inputs]
  (letfn [(to-map [field]
            {(:name field) (:value field)})]
    (apply merge (map to-map inputs))))

oooh letfn, not familiar with that
very cool

I like that merge finally made it in there, it seems like it expresses our intention the best — create a bunch of separate maps and then make them one map.

yeah i dig this

Without the letfn:

(defn form-to-map [inputs]
  (let [to-map (fn [field] {(:name field) (:value field)})]
    (apply merge (map to-map inputs))))

ahhh i see, it’s sugar for specifically creating named, scoped functions more or less?

Yeah, just shorthand for (let (fn))

this clojure koolaid is just getting tastier and tastier

See, this is why I’m so head over heels about Clojure :). We’ve been thinking about this off and on for hours, and it keeps getting clearer and clearer, and shorter and shorter.

That NEVER seems to happen in, say, Java ;P

i think the opposite happens in java

maybe we should make a factory for the factories?

yeah this is a fun language


Probably @brucehauman or someone will come along soon and be like, “oh, duh, you can replace (apply merge (map)) with this one keyword.”
And it’ll be something that makes it so transparently clear and beautiful that I’ll have to go weep in a corner somewhere for a while 😉

hehe. yep. eventually our entire application is reduced to a resplendent haiku.
we renounce technology and wander the forests foraging for berries and writing clojure poetry that doesn’t even need to be run.



postscript: eventually Sean asked a much more knowledgable Clojure developer, Bruce Hauman, who came up with the following:

(defn input-data [inputs]
  (into {}
    (map (juxt dom/input-name dom/input-value) inputs)))```

sean [10:28 PM]
also here is a less clever reduce version of the same function:

sean [10:29 PM]

(defn input-data [inputs]
      (reduce (fn [result input]
        (assoc result (dom/input-name input) (dom/input-value input))) {} inputs))


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As software developers who work on scientific software, we believe that functional programming is the optimal approach. In particular, we believe that Clojure is nearly an ideal language for developing scientific software. On this site, our goal is to provide resources for other scientific software developers considering Clojure. The software carpentry movement has done a fantastic job promoting Python as a language for scientists. We agree that Python is an excellent choice for scientists who write code, but for professional developers working on a larger scale, we believe that Clojure is ultimately an even better tool. The functional programming approach, applying a set of transformations to immutable data, is ideal in a scientific software context, where the goal is to maintain a chain of clear reasoning and provenance all the way from raw data to conclusions.
